Thursday, 26 January 2012

Happy? Republic Day..! Really??

First of all, Happy Republic Day to all of you....
My god! 62 years of being declared as the largest democracy of the world.... We really do take pride in it, don't we? We boast of it... Many of us, even use this as a suffix, when they say India.. "India - The Largest Democracy of the world.."

But do we really have all the powers entrusted on us by the constitution that we adopted on this very day??

Let’s see on paper… It says “Fundamental Rights in India”

1. The Right to Equality

2. The Right to Freedom

3. The Right to Freedom from Exploitation

4. The Right to Freedom of Religion

5. Cultural and Educational Rights

6. The Right to Constitutional Remedies

7. The Right to Education

Holy Lord! It’s a serious mockery of those who shed their blood for all the above rights. It is lamentable.

How deplorable it is? We call it 64 years of Independence, we did not have a day of it. Only thing replaced was the person who treats us like slaves.

Many of you may wonder what I am saying, others might say 'oh! we are in a democratic country and we do have independence..' There are certain issues that exist, but I am independent… LOL… it’s the best way to fool one self…. I say look at the man in the glass, if you can say to him today morning when you get up the following sentences and mean them. I salute you then.

Just say the following

I, an Indian, on the Republic Day, declare that I have the right to equality. I am considered equivalent to a brother-citizen no matter which part of India I go. There ain’t any reservations and quotas in the colleges I get admitted too, Because 'EQUALITY' is above all. No matter who I am - Hindu, Muslim, Gujrati or Marathi, I am not preferred over anyone. Religion, tribal and regional quotas don’t really exist, cause the law hasn’t recognized them. That’s why I can go purely on my merit anywhere. To any university, to any company anywhere I want. So I say that I have my first right “Right to Equality”.

As for my “Right to Freedom” is concerned. I am an entirely free man. If I am doing anything which is not against the LAW. I face absolutely no problems when I abide by all the LAWS. I have to pay nothing extra, no bribes to get my work done. I don’t even face any delays to my work. No one can just sit over my file for months. I am a free man because the hard earned money I get, can be spent the way I want. I am never questioned by the government on why I spend like that. They TAX system is absolutely something that I understand, because 'the more I earn, the more I pay' is well practiced and there are no loop holes in the system that make it vice-versa. I am a 'FREE' man because I can meet the Prime Minister of the country when ever I want.

Coming to my third fundamental right that is 'Freedom from Exploitation'. It’s totally with me. No one in this free country has the power to detain me without a reason. There is no corruption here, so there is no exploitation. I take pride in saying that in Independent India, I have never been 'EXPLOITED' by the law. Be it the passport office, the Hospitals or the municipality. Keeping the police and the Court of Justice above all.

I am free from any exploitation or at least I can fight any in the Legal court knowing that it won’t go on for years.

Oh.. and Yes.. My Right to Freedom of Religion is respected throughout the nation. If I choose to be a Muslim. The Bajrang Dal, VHP or RSS does not come knocking at my door to beat the shit out of me and my family or I will never be slaughtered alive in Gujarat, atleast the Chief Minister won’t let it happen. If I choose to be a Sikh, there really won’t be any Jagdish Tytler backed as a member of parliament in the ruling party of the country. If 'I choose to be a Hindu', I won’t have to buy a VIP or a regular pass to get into a temple. They treat us all equal. As a Hindu, I feel I am safe in this country and not a soft target of Indian Mujahideen (IM), because the government is synonym to Justice, when they catch terrorist alive like Ajmal Kasab and Afzal Guru their execution is not delayed for political gains, but the moment one is proven guilty they are punished all in the duration mentioned by the Law books it self. So I really have faith in the government and face no problems showing my passport and telling my name at the airport. I was never picked up and scrutinized because My name is Khan.

The political parties in the country here really respect my cultural and educational rights. Because I am free to do my Chatt Pooja at Juhu Beach without any confrontation with Raj Thakery. As a North Indian, I can work any where in Maharashtra even in or with the BMC. If I choose not to learn Gujrathi in Gujrat and Marathi in Maharashtra, the Education board does not have any problems. It is not a compulsory subject! No matter where in India I go, the government officers are never racist. They never delay my work because I am from a particular state or I speak a particular language. Even in the Court of Justice, when I demand a copy of my Charge-sheet in my mother language, I get it at no cost.

Rights to Constitutional Remedies is one thing I craved for. I have that now. The media is regulated so well by the government of my country that if I have a case in the Court of Justice to be held. The media will wait for the Judgement and not just defame my image before the judgement. The lawyers are so co-operative that they don’t really think that they are doing a favor to me. They fight for Justice and not play with words in court to mock the system. I can go till the Supreme Court and I am assured I will get justice before the person responsible for the crime dies. I am proud of the fact that Justice is above all in my country and laws are not manipulated by the corporates to acquire land and wealth of the poor for absolute nothing.

And the much spoken Right to Education is a really affordable right. My country’s great. It sponsors education. I give no donation to any institute in spite of having a good merit score. It’s my right. There ain’t any quotas in colleges for acquiring education. Money doesn’t really play a big role in my country when it comes to getting knowledge - that’s cause it is my fundamental right.

I could face the man in the glass. I said it with out even a pause. I am independent and so I proudly celebrate my Fundamental Rights today.

What about the premorse of Kashmir? - Oh.. Who cares?

What about Palestinians? – What Should I do about it? It’s not even in India.

If you have realized the TRUTH. If you have realized what I am trying to convey.

Don’t let the sacrifice of more than a million people go waste. They did not fight to replace rulers.

They fought for liberty. We still don’t have the liberty!

The struggle is not yet over. We, the youth of India have to face this truth. The sooner we do. The faster we can commit to actions and happiness can be pursued. It’s time to revolt. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to fight for the very fundamental right mentioned above. It’s time we fight corruption at it’s root level. It’s time we have leader in the honest spirit of liberty and freedom. It’s NOW or Never. It’s DO or Die.

Sitting 4000 Kilometers away from the Financial Capital of India….

Trying to wake India today to the truth. WILL NOT HELP! – I know.

If you agree to what I say. Let’s do something today.

Something that shakes the government to the roots.

Something that will give us freedom in all senses.

Call it a Political Movement… It will be suppressed – I Know.

But all tyrants have oppressed and people have had sleepless nights

The same man who walked kilometers to Dandi for liberty said

“Be the change you wish to see”

Let’s be the change, till the last breath of oxygen and last drop of blood.

And it’s not for India, Not for Palestine, Nor for Kashmir or any other disputed land…

It’s for the Independence of Humans. It’s for Humanity.

Let’s have a flag for Humanity raised today.

By the way, I love this world more than one particular region here…. and having said that I am more attached to India as anyone would love ones motherland... Jai Hind!

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