Friday, 21 October 2011

Fall of the Last Dictator

Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, more commonly known as Muammar Gaddafi was killed in his hometown Sirte yesterday. Many of us may not think this to be a very big thing.. So what if this man died? So many people die everyday, why does this man's death a breaking news? For those of you, who think like this, just close your eyes for a minute and imagine the lives of people whom he has ruled for 42 long years... We all may be well versed by the phrase, "One life, why give others a chance to rule it..." well, the innocent people of Libya, had no other choice.. Gaddafi's death is the dawn every Libyan wanted to wake up to... And that finally happened.. The Last Arab Dictator finally fell...

Gaddafi's lust for weapons of mass destructions was known to the world and he kept gathering and improving his 'toys' from time to time.. However, he could not avoid the sand storm of revolution that swept through the Arab world. This sand storm saw the end of many dictators and their seemingly endless rule.. He should have know then itself that, his time has come! The merciless man that he was, opted for war and used deadly force against his own people who were revolting against him.. This forced foreign countries like the US and France to aid the rebels and plot the downfall of the Arab leader.. Gaddafi never showed mercy in his life, nor did he get any in his death.. He was dragged out of a drain and killed by the very Libyans he once scorned as 'rats'.

His rediness to take on western powers and Israel, through words and actions earned him a certain respect among some in other Arab states. For most of his 42 year rule, he held a prominent position in the World's gallery of international rouges, while at home, he maintained a vacuum tight control by micro managing every aspect by abolishing the constitution, eliminating dissidents and refusing to name a successor.

He took over Libya in a bloodless military coup in 1969, and ruled it ever since with an iron fist.. 20-10-2011 is Libya's new Independence day.. War is finally over. Now it is time to swap bullets for ballots.. Jockeying for power among Libya's well -armed and fractious new leadership after the death of the deceased autocrat Muammar Gaddafi, an anxious, and for many,joyous moments in a country hungry for stability and impatience to swap the bullet for the ballot box..

For almost a year of battle to overthrow dictatorship, and over 4 decades of a life lived without dignity, this country can finally heave a sigh of relief.. As the night of celebrations has passed, there is a screaming silence in the country, a silent cry for help from the world to repair, renovate and rebuild... And India, being one of the first to offer aid and assistance.. Not only India, but the World at large will definitely help this desert land to get back to its feet and ensure that the sun is out and shinning bright to mark the end of dark days for the Libyans and their homeland.. May God bless Libya....

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